Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is How we Treat our "Best Friends"?

From Sioux City's News channel 4....Their ban on pit bulls last year and a year was purely based on ignorance, as far as I am concerned and now this uninformed man wants to go even further...

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KTIV) - Sioux City's pit bull ban could be going to the dogs. A year and a half after the ordinance was first put into place, Mayor Mike Hobart wants it repealed. But, not everyone agrees.
"To me, I think this is a compromise to what we have right now. I would presume pit bull owners would go along with," says Mayor Hobart, who came up with the changes.

Keith Radig believes, "Any dog can bite, any dog can attack, but how many dogs can kill, and your bigger dogs can, but what is most prevalent to that, and I think pit bulls are, I think that's the biggest liability of all."
Radig says the ban should go a step further to include any animal with a lethal bite.
Under the mayor's proposal, new pit bulls would be allowed inside city limits, and be treated as high risk animals.

New requirements for high risk animals-- like muzzles and micro-chips-- would be added to the ordinance. Owners would also have to put warning signs on their property.
Failure to follow those restrictions could lead to euthanization of the animal on the second or third offense.
Two of the newest members to the council, Tom Padgett and John Fitch, indicated they are not in favor of a breed-specific ban, and may support rescinding it.

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